Writing Coaching
Hannah has challenged me to dig deeper and thrust me into uncharted waters of possibilities. Her personable approach and constructive criticism have made every session enjoyable.
-Bernard Taylor, grad student
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My coaching has two components: descriptive feedback and one-to-one meetings. Descriptive feedback is the detailed, useful written response to your writing that you always wanted to get from professors (but rarely did). In 50-minute one-to-one meetings, we dig into the feedback, explore avenues for revision, discuss specific writing strategies, and plan how to keep your project moving forward.
Your writing and your schedule are unique. Commit to coaching one month at a time, and we’ll develop a responsive, custom plan to meet your needs.
Example Month #1:
- One coaching session
- Descriptive feedback on 4,000 words
Example Month #2:
- Two coaching sessions
- Descriptive feedback on 2,000 words
Investment: $350/month, with services tailored to your needs. Special rate available for multiple months.

Editing Services
Hannah edited an article for me which significantly improved the professional quality, readability and integrity of my work. The article has since been published in a national trade journal which would have never happened without her careful and thoughtful editing.
-Matt Gurwell, industry professional
Developmental Editing
This is the big-picture edit. When you have a first draft, a developmental edit will provide insight to help you make changes to the structure and argument. Understand what your writing is saying and doing for your readers. With a developmental edit, expect:
- An editorial letter that summarizes recommendations for your manuscript
- Your draft with comments, queries, and in-line suggestions to illustrate the strategies I describe in the editorial letter
Starting at $0.04/word.
Copy Editing
This edit is about the all-important details. When your draft is almost ready, a copy edit will make it shine. With a copy edit, I’m concerned with grammatical choices, adherence to style guides, references, and formatting. I’ll also query you on sentence structure and readability: in other words, getting your point across to your reader, line by line. With a copy edit, you receive:
- Your draft with copy edits and queries in Track Changes
- A style sheet listing the particular usages in your manuscript
Starting at $0.03/word.
Other Editing Services
Proofreading is the final pass over a text to ensure it looks exactly how the writer and publisher want it to look. I offer proofreading as an optional add-on service for developmental and copy editing clients. $0.02/word.
Not sure what kind of editing you need? Talk with me about your project, and let’s determine which service is appropriate for your draft. I edit academic articles, nonfiction manuscripts, personal statements, presentations, CVs, and more. Quote provided; $50 minimum cost applies to all projects.