My favorite quarterly project is copy editing CSA Journal. The Society of Certified Senior Advisors (SCSA®), based in Denver, describes CSA Journal as “the leading professional publication in the senior market focusing on critical issues for aging adults.” As the copy editor, I work with authors to edit their articles in response to peer-review comments, house style, and APA style. In this role, I’ve talked with some fascinating people, including healthcare advocates, transportation experts, end-of-life doulas, long-term care specialists, financial advisers, scholars researching ageism, and pickleball coaches. As the 65+ demographic grows to an unprecedented 23% of the U.S. population by 2050 (a projection often cited in the Journal), professionals in the aging industry are meeting challenges that affect every family. Through their writing, I’m grateful to develop a sense of the current health, financial, legal, and social issues facing older adults.